Early Fine Art Dealers specializes in valuing and purchasing important paintings from the 17th century through the early 20th century. Our buyers are in constant search for fine works of art and paintings, spanning the globe for original well-known Old Master, European, American, and early California art. Each year we preview and participate in hundreds of private sales, art shows, gallery showings, exhibitions and auctions. We are in constant search for fine works to purchase. Please contact us today to discuss the sale of one of your paintings. Please note that our gallery only deals with original paintings. No Prints Please.

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Frederick Lester Sexton (1889 - 1975)
A respected artist associated with the Old Lyme Colony of painters, Frederick Lester Sexton produced still-lifes and landscapes as well as other subjects and developed his own, innovative style of creating his art.
As a child, Sexton was severely maimed in a fire. The injuries caused his right hand to remain permanently closed. Nevertheless, he became an accomplished artist. His style is usually described as Post-Impressionist and contains strong elements of realism.
Most of his paintings were created in the Old Lyme, Connecticut area and he was an active member of the Old Lyme colony of artists from the 1920's through the 1930's.
He pursued his art education at Yale and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in 1917. His art career was interrupted by World War 1 but, upon his return to the United States in 1919 he became a full-time professional painter.
Frederick Lester Sexton had a unique style of painting that oftentimes found him employing unusual means. He would sometimes use his palate knife as a painting tool, for instance. Though his right hand was completely disabled, he developed a precise technique, nonetheless. His work is among the permanent collections of several important institutions across the nation.